New role at Engine Yard

I’m working with a new group at Engine Yard that is responsible for identifying the technological and procedural improvements to Engine Yard’s current cluster offerings. The group consists of myself and 3 others (Dan Peterson, Lee Jensen & Taylor Weibley).

We spent some time last week scouring our Systems Engineering queue, our Nagios alerts, various types of HelpServe tickets, HelpServe tickets from specific customers, queried the Account Managers and asked our Support people for input. So far we’ve come up with a multi-page Google Document summarizing what we’ve found.

As we finish that document and start working through the items on that list I’ll start blogging about them.

The team is meeting in SF this week to review it, make recommendations to the new CEO and to lay the groundwork for what we’re going to do about the items on the list.

I’m still very curious to hear from customers about what they think.

So, if your an Engine Yard customer please send me a direct tweet (d freeformz) or drop me an email ( if you want to provide some input.


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